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The Beginnings...


Updated: Jun 19, 2021

'So, I want you to introduce yourselves, and tell us why you have come on the course' said the leader of the 'Flower Farming for Beginners' course.

It became apparent that most of the others were well on their journey to developing a cut flowers business. Some were already selling, several had farms, polytunnels, equipment and even labour available. I mumbled something about loving growing stuff, and looking for something to do in semi retirement. However vague my ideas were, the support was warm and the possibilities seemed huge….at least on that day.

I took another day course on flower arranging, which was fun, although I soon realised I was finishing each task well ahead of the others, not because of any innate skill, far from it, but more to do with a lack of patience in spending minutes examining the structure and angle of each flower, preferring a loose, naturalistic, almost 'accidental' arrangement.

So here I am with a developing plan to move gradually from my increasingly loathed, office based role to the next chapter. And it's exciting….but daunting. So why?

My youngest daughter's wedding was a DIY affair, and she wanted everything, including the flowers, to be naturalistic and sustainable. Flowers from my garden were harvested for jam jars, and to top up, we bought buckets of British cut flowers from a local grower. It was a revelation that it was possible for anyone to do this for a living, and this started the formation of an idea. At the Malvern Flower show we saw overwhelmingly beautiful displays of British Cut Flowers from the 'Flowers From The Farm organisation' - so there was even an umbrella support organisation too. Could a lifelong love of being outside and growing things become my future?

Well my timing seems right. Environmental concerns form my soul, initiated at my mother’s knee, and nurtured through working in agriculture, conservation work, and academic study. Climate Emergency concerns had already led to an increased interest in sustainably grown British flowers and foliage, combined with a growing trend for more naturalistic arrangements (which, with my embryonic, but organic flower arranging skills, is to be welcomed!)….. and then along came Covid. There seems to a tangible shift in peoples thinking since the start of the pandemic; a reassessment of what’s important, and what’s not. A desire to ‘get back to basics’ and to support local, sustainable produce. Even the dreaded Brexit may be a 'Good Thing' for British cut flowers, as cheap unsustainable imports become less of a reality. And then to cap it all, my eldest daughters wedding was looming, and whilst like many others, this had to be cancelled due to Covid, it was an excellent opportunity for a trial run.

Now I really do have the bug….just hope it’s not aphids!

So here goes……..

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